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First-time mom 2024

Things to Stop Telling a First-Time Mom: A Guide to Supportive Communication

Becoming a First-time mom is an incredible and transformative experience, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. New moms often find themselves inundated with advice, opinions, and comments from well-meaning friends, family members, and even strangers. While the intention behind these remarks is usually positive, they can sometimes be more harmful than helpful. Here […]

First-Time Mom in 2024

Most Surprising Things About Being a First-Time Mom in 2024

Becoming a First-Time Mom is an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. The reality of motherhood often differs from what many first-time moms envision. This article delves into the surprising aspects of being a first-time mom, revealing the joys, challenges, and surprises that come with this life-changing role. From public breastfeeding without embarrassment

Interval Cleaning: The Ultimate Cleaning Hack for Busy Toddler Moms

Interval Cleaning: The Ultimate Cleaning Hack for Busy Toddler Moms

Interval Cleaning: The Ultimate Cleaning Hack for Busy Toddler Moms :As a mom juggling the whirlwind life that comes with a toddler, I’ve learned that the word ‘mess’ takes on a whole new meaning. I’ve never been one to maintain a spotless home—let’s be real, who has the time? But with toys scattered like little

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